Thursday, 25 December 2014

Reaching milestones

I haven't had time to write down my memories of you lately as I am so busy enjoying you and then exhausted by the time you are asleep. But many wonderful things have happened that I do wish to remember.

You took your first steps on the 5th November in Byron Bay in front of your Daddy and I as well as your midwife Deb and my good friend Alison. It was a wonderful moment and you were so pleased with yourself as you took those first steps from Daddy's arms towards me at your own pace.

Though your Poppy was a bit disapointed he missed your first steps, you have made up for it by running into his arms at every opportunity. The sound you make when we pull up to Poppy's house or when he arrives at our house is so precious. A high pitched "ohh Poppy here" all rolled into one word. And when he leaves you get very upset each time. 

You are very affectionate now and love giving hugs and kisses. You even hug and kiss my old dolls which are now yours. And you love hugging the puppies though the feeling isn't mutual. 

Daddy has given you his train set to play with and you are loving running all over the house playing with the trains. You especially enjoy pushing them through any make shift tunnel. 

Your vocabulary is exploding and at thirteen months your word list includes: yes, no, mulk (milk), more, dog, duck, acee (gracie), aylee(Bailey), ball, boat, nana(banana), star, hantaa (santa), ho ho Ho, tractor, moon, daddy, mama, poppy, car, broom broom, uh oh, mango, birdie, buck buck buck (chicken). 

You are getting very good at signing and can now sign, milk, more, eat, bird, sleep. 

Everyday you amaze me and remind me how blessed I am to have you. 

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