Sunday, 7 September 2014

Daily rhythms

It's here! Spring has sprung. Though we still wake to chilly mornings, by mid morning we are stripping off jumpers and socks as the sun has taken the chill off the earth. 

Our days have a rhythm to them now. We wake to the sound of birds singing and after some milk and playtime on the bed our rumbling tummies insist we leave our comfy haven.

Before breakfast we visit the chickens to say good morning and have a quick look at the garden, the grass still wet with dew so Mama won't let you down to roam just yet. The fairy wrens that have taken up residence in our garden sing and play, flying across the adjoining backyards. 

Then, we enjoy breakfast most days on the patio so that we can feel the warmth of the sun and you love watching the birds flying above and trying to spot planes.

From there our days are mostly spent in the garden playing. Throwing toys for the puppies to chase. Finding a patch of dirt to sift between your fingers and taste. Pulling the leaves off the snow peas and carrots, or anything you can reach. 

Eventually you tire and Mama will feed you to sleep, still sitting outside as you snuggle on my lap. I love these special days, and the promise of many more beautiful days like this one fill my heart with excitement and hope. 

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