Monday, 4 August 2014

The wake up journey

The sun is starting to peek through the cracks between the blinds. Another beautiful winters day has begun.

The birds are happily singing outside our window and their shadows can be seen on our blinds as they dance along the balcony.

Little specs of dust are floating in the air as I look at the ray of Sunshine filling our room. I can't wait to show you this when you are older to tell you the fairies have been busy sprinkling fairy dust in our room while we slept. 

Though I am awake you are still enjoying a morning sleep in. I watch as your chest gently rises and falls with each soft breathe.

Till suddenly you begin to stir, your body stretching, twisting, your eyes still firmly shut. You reach out and begin nuzzling searching for the breast. 

You latch on, and begin drinking like you have been out in the desert for days. Though you have been cluster feeding since the early hours of the morning.

These hurried sucks soon turn to long drawn out gulps as the milk begins to flow freely. After a few minutes the sucking turns to comfort sucks, then stop, as you drift off into another dreamland.

A few minutes later you again stir, eyes still yet to open, as you search madly again for some more milk, maybe one more drink will be enough to help you face the morning. Your 'coffee' pick me up. 

But again you fall back into peaceful slumber. This cycle continues a few more times until finally you stretch your arms up high above your head, rubbing your eyes as if they need the extra encouragement.

Finally they open and our eyes meet, and your face instantly beams as a smile creeps across your face. You let out a trill, your new funny sound. And that's it you are a ball of energy sitting up ready to start the day.

Well, after you've had some more milk of course! 

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