Saturday, 10 May 2014

The funny things you do

I remember when you were first born and a friend came to visit with her baby boy who was about seven months old. I told her I was so sad as I wanted you to stay a tiny newborn forever because I loved it so much. She told me that she thought that too, but it just keeps getting better and better, and she was so right!

Your personality is so lovable, you know how to charm anyone with your cheeky grins. From the moment you wake up you are full of beans ready to explore. 

Blowing raspberries and spit bubbles is your new favourite thing to do, you love when people copy you. Experimenting with your voice is also fun, hearing the different sounds you can make. 

We love watching you do your "happy hands" as we call them. Where you grasp your hands together and rock them from side to side. 

And your new crowd pleasing trick is waving. Which came about after a curious situation. One night you did not want to go to sleep as you were very unsettled with teething pain. I was talking to you about Grandma who has passed. You were sitting up on my lap facing the chair which was Grandma's. 

Suddenly you stopped fussing and started smiling, then waving at the chair. You would look back to me and smile, then look back to the chair and wave. I have no explanation for this except to think that Grandma has taught you to wave! 

Oh yes and we are now up to three teeth all up the top! 

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