Tuesday, 12 May 2015

I NEED it!

These are the things I must remember as when I am old they will delight me no end! 

You are now 18 months old and starting to put a few words together to make short sentences. The other morning you were having your usual marathon morning feed, but this was after a very wakeful night. I was feeling very tired and touched out and told you, "no more Milkies now, Mama needs to rest I am tired and need to sleep". 

At this point you sat up, looked me straight in the eye and said "Mama I need it, I NEED it, mama I need it!" It shocked me and made me laugh. So of course I couldn't resist that since you "NEEDED it". 

Another of your new sentences is where you ask me to stay sitting where I am while you run to get something, like a book for us to read or toy to play with. 
You have been saying "you shi sit she mm" which I know translates to "you stay sitting here". But the other day you actually said "you wait here stay sit".

You never cease to amaze me. You are loving trying out new words. You figured out how to say "Joshua" last night, probably after me calling out to you repeatedly at the park that day as you ran off chasing birds towards a busy road. 

You sat in the bath calling out your own name then giggling your head off. It was the sweetest thing.

So a few of your new words include: koala, badger, dinosaur, capsule, back (as you love getting piggy backs), grass, sure, broken, battery, boat. 

Other phrases you say include: 
what's that?
Fix it. 
No don't do it.
Buy it.

Oh yes, and most entertaining of all is that you now call me "MONEY" which you are normally calling out to me the same way I do to your Daddy. Monkey see monkey do! 

Friday, 24 April 2015

A fresh start

Today Daddy came home to tell us he lost his job, after a week of stress and worry that this may happen it was actually a relief to hear this news. It wasn't a job he loved, or a career he chose for himself, it was simply a job with a great wage that has allowed me to be a full time mother to you. 

You are 18months old today, a precious and delightful age. I am so blessed to have had so much time to spend adoring you, watching you grow from a tiny newborn into a busy and inquisitive toddler. 

Our plan was that I would go back to work in September, by this point you would be 23months old, and I would only go back part time as being with you is more important to me than money. But now our plans must change, and I may have to start work in the next few weeks, and likely I will need to work full time to help us pay the mortgage. 

I can't help but feel sad that I won't be with you every minute of every day. There is no where I would rather be than with you. It is clear that you are picking up on the stress in our home right now. You are very unsettled and become very upset if Daddy or I leave the room. 

This is a chance for our family to have a new beginning. Yes our plans will change, but now Daddy has the opportunity to pick a career that he would actually like to do instead of something he feels he has to do. It is time for me to support him the way he did for me when I wanted to become a midwife. 

Now every moment with you will be even more precious. We will survive this storm. Even if we lose everything we own, as long as we have each other we will be rich. 

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Music maestro

"More" a word I hear you say several times a day. But not all your "more's" are the same. There's "mm..more" which is food, "more" playing, and your favourite "MORE" meaning please put on some music or turn it up.

It's funny that your daddy and I are able to decipher which meaning of more your using by the way you say it. 

You are such a lover of music, especially music with lots of bass. Your favourite songs have included "I'm so fancy" "uptown funk" and "albatross". 

You love to dance, your moves range from head banging with big wide eyes and a serious expression, a push up move with head shaking, and hip thrusting especially in the car where your movements are limited.

But you don't love all music, you are quick to say if you don't want a certain song and insist we change it until we find one you like. 

I hope you always have such passion for music as it makes you so happy. Yes we have stopped meltdowns simply by putting on one of your favourite songs. 

I wonder if it will always sooth you so easily.

Trains, planes and automobiles

How can I condense all my memories of you into a few posts, it seems impossible to keep up. Everyday you do something that I wish to remember but I have no time to sit and write it down and once you are asleep I'm not far behind.

You are changing so fast, learning new things every day. Your new favourite thing is to wave at everyone you see, everywhere we go. You do almost anything to get people's attention to wave at them. If they ignore you it's obvious by your expression that you can't understand why they wouldn't wave back, and I can't help but agree with you. 

You also have started gesturing for me to come with you, follow you so you can show me things or simply so I will chase you. I love seeing what you want to show me.

Even though I have tried to keep all your toys very gender neutral you are naturally drawn to trucks, cars, trains and tractors. You greatly show how impressed you are by things by yelling "wow wow wow!!". 

Although it seems easier to play with your toys on the ground, often you ask to be helped up onto the chair so that you can sit and play with them on the big table. 

Your vocabulary has again exploded including new words such as "tractor, bike, book, sleep, door, star, moon, digger, dump truck, bus, baby, cat, mouse". The list goes on and on. 

Amazingly this year seems to be passing even faster than your first, perhaps because you are now almost always on the go. Exploring new things, reading books over and over again, talking about everything you see. 

The moments you are still I cherish as I feel like it's the only time I can really soak you in. Memorizing your little baby face that is gradually becoming more and more like a little boy. 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Exploding with love

Sometimes when I look at you I feel like my heart is going to explode. It's strange that falling in love hurts.

 I wish I could control time so I could freeze it to keep you just as you are, but sometimes be able to rewind to when you were very little and fast forward to what you will be like when you are older. 

But I can't control time so all I can do is enjoy every single moment with you.